What nutrients do tree roots get from the soil? The answer is more complex than you may realize, so in this post, Hawkins Tree and Landscaping, Hope’s reliable tree service company, explains more about this topic.

Why Is Soil Care Important?
Trees in the wild are self-sufficient, but conditions in your yard differ greatly from natural ones. You must periodically check the soil carefully to ensure it has all the essential nutrients your tree needs to thrive.
Soil care also plays an important role in ensuring that it has the right texture. You need a balance between quickly draining larger granules and soil the root system can easily grip onto. If the ground is too hard or full of rubble, it will damage the roots.
Getting the balance right is essential for good root growth. If you don’t know what to do, call our tree service for expert advice.
What Nutrients Do Tree Roots Get From Soil?
Most people realize that trees take minerals such as calcium and potassium from the earth. But what nutrients do tree roots get from soil the most? The answer is surprising: air and water. While a tree needs many nutrients to survive, it needs these two the most.
What Are the Common Foods Trees Need?
When talking about food, we mean the following:
- Nitrogen helps trees grow strong, green leaves and keeps plants healthy.
- Phosphorous creates a strong root system and encourages flower growth.
- Potassium helps the tree absorb water and build a tolerance for the cold and aids with photosynthesis.
If your tree shows signs of distress or a failure to thrive, check the soil for these nutrients or ask us to help.
How To Add Nutrients
In nature, most things work in symbiosis with others. Therefore, you should only add individual nutrients for a distinct shortage. For general feeding, it’s better to incorporate organic matter like compost or manure.
Adding compost proves particularly beneficial because it improves the soil’s friability. The organic bits improve the soil’s structure while digging into it incorporates air.
Mulch To Improve Soil Texture
Mulching is an old tip that pays great dividends. It not only locks moisture into the soil but also protects it from erosion. The rain beats down on the mulch layer rather than pounding the soil underneath.
During sunny weather, mulch regulates the temperature of the ground, protecting your tree from the ill effects of too much heat. In scorching weather, it prevents the water from evaporating, ensuring your tree has access to moisture for longer.
A rather lovely side-effect of adding organic matter includes smothering weeds and grass. These would otherwise compete with your tree for food. Finally, the organic matter decomposes slowly, releasing nutrients into the soil. When you dig the remnants in, the soil texture improves.
Allow Room for Growth
While not technically a food, space to grow is just as critical for your tree. You may need to dig in compost to ensure the soil doesn’t get too compacted. If the soil compresses too much, it squeezes out all the air pockets in it. Your tree’s roots then slowly suffocate.
It’s challenging to incorporate new soil, so ask us for help if you need it.
Contact Our Team for Expert Advice.
Now that you can answer, “What nutrients do tree roots get from the soil?” you have a better idea of why trees stop growing. To ensure your trees stay healthy for many years, call Hawkins Tree and Landscaping at (870) 330-9912 to schedule a professional consultation. We’ll check your trees and the soil and advise you on the way forward.