Apr 7, 2023 | Tree Trimming Guide
Learning how to prune a mature fig tree the right way is crucial if you want to have a healthy, beautiful tree. In this article, Texarkana’s tree trimming and pruning service providers will share tips on how to prune your mature fig tree. By doing so, our...
Mar 7, 2023 | Tree Trimming Guide
Does trimming trees prevent root growth? The short answer is “Yes.” However, when done properly, a healthy tree will quickly recover, allowing you to see the true benefits of tree pruning and how it can strengthen the tree’s roots. In this post, Hawkins Tree and...
Feb 7, 2023 | General Tree-Related Tips
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is root pruning?” Many people recoil at the thought of potentially damaging essential tree root systems. However, root pruning remains important in transplanting trees safely and effectively. Contact Texarkana’s...
Jan 7, 2023 | Pressure Washing Services
If you’ve looked at hiring a pressure washing or tree service company to clean your driveway, you’ve probably noticed they use soap, but why? Does pressure washing use soap? The short answer is yes—pressure washers use soap. You may wonder, “Do I need soap...
Dec 7, 2022 | Pressure Washing Services
Do you want to effectively remove moss from driveway surfaces and other areas of the property? You can easily do so with power washing techniques. Here’s more about how to tackle moss and other unwanted substances with simple pressure washing by Hawkins Tree and...